Ophey, Martin


Ausbildung und Werdegang

• Senior physical therapist at YsveldFysio, private clinic for physical therapy, Nijmegen, NL.
• PhD candidate “patellofemoral pain”, orthopedic surgery and sports medicine department, Amsterdam Medical Centers, Amsterdam, NL.
• ESP Science and Education, post-academic teaching, https://www.espse.eu/
• Editorial board member, journal “Sportphysio” at Thieme publisher, Stuttgart, GER.

EDUCATION (selected)
• 1996-2000. Bachelor of Science Physical Therapy. HAN-University for Applied Sciences, Nijmegen, NL.
• 2002-2003. Master of Science “paramedic health science”. Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL.
• 2002-2003. ESP Sports Physical Therapy Certificate.

• Ophey M. Actieve schouderrevalidatie bij hobby- en prestatiegerichte sporters. Infysio. 2011;1(1-4). (Dutch)
• Ophey M. Schulterinstabilität: Eine unsichere Angelegenheit für Patienten und Sportphysiotherapeuten?! Sportphysio. 2014;2(4):153-159. (German)
• Beenen PC, Filiputti D, Meyer ER, et al. Epistemological beliefs of European physiotherapists – a multi-countrycross-cultural adaptation for the DEBQ and the CAEB questionnaires. Eur J Physiother. September 2016:1-11. (peer-reviewed)
• Ophey M. Pathologien der langen Bizepssehne – Erkennen, testen, behandeln. Physiopraxis. 2017;(2):24-29. (German).
• Ophey M. Fall 5: 55-jähriger inaktiver Mann mit Übergewicht und Diabetes. In: Bant H, Perrot G, eds. Lumbale Rückenbeschwerden – Aktive Rehabilitation in Der Physiotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme; 2017:363-379. (book chapter, German)
• Bant H, Haas H-J, Ophey M, Steverding M. Sportphysiotherapie. 2nd ed. Stuttgart; 2018.
• Ophey, M. J., Bosch, K., Khalfallah, F. Z., Wijnands, A. M. M. P., van den Berg, R. B., Bernards, N. T. M., … Tak, I. J. R. (2019). The decline step-down test measuring the maximum pain-free flexion angle: A reliable and valid performance test in patients with patellofemoral pain. Physical Therapy in Sport, 36, 43–50. (peer-reviewed).
• Ophey, M. J., Bennink, D., Bernsen, J. E., Blazevic, I., van Bergen, R., van den Berg, R. B., … Tak, I. J. R. (2019). Patienten met patellofemorale pijn hebben een beperkte ketenmobiliteit: een case-controlstudie. Sport & Geneeskunde, 52(4), 53–54. (Dutch)
• Ophey MJ, Crooijmans GAHM, Frieling SMW, Kardos DMA, van den Berg R, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, et al. Short-term effectiveness of an intervention targeting lower limb range of motion on pain and disability in patellofemoral pain patients: a randomized, non-concurrent multiple-baseline study. J Bodyw Mov Ther 2020. (peer-reviewed).